Compliance Hotline

Aluminium Duffel expects employees who become aware of improper conduct to raise those concerns. The Company’s Fraud Policy and Whistleblower Policy contain the contact details of Aluminium Duffel’s independent and anonymous [toll-free] hotline.

Anyone who identifies and reports (possible) violations of European Union law in a work-related context is considered a whistleblower, this includes, but is not limited to government contracts, financial services, products, and markets, prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, product safety and conformity, transportation safety, environmental protection, radiation protection and nuclear safety, food and feed safety, animal health, and animal welfare, public health, consumer protection, protection of personal privacy and personal data, and security of network and information systems, combating tax fraud and combating social fraud. This protection includes the company's own employees, as well as, third parties (self-employed workers; shareholders; directors; volunteers; trainees; anyone working under the supervision and direction of (sub)contractors and suppliers; former employees; job applicants).

Reporting can be done via: